Thursday, November 24, 2011

நினைத்தேன் , எழுதுகிறேன்

25 11 2011

பெற்றாற் பெறின் பெறுவர் பெண்டிர் பெருஞ்சிறப்புப்
புத்தேளிர் வாழும் உலகு – திருக்குறள்.

கணவனைப் பேணிக் காப்பதில் சிறப்புடையவளானால்,அவள் சுவர்க்கத்தில் பெறும் சிறப்பை இங்கேயே பெற்றுவிடுவாள் என்பதற்கேற்ப வாழ்ந்த என் கிரிஜாவே , நீ வாழ்ந்த போது, என்னை எல்லா விதத்திலும் மிக நன்றாக கவனித்துக்கொண்டாய். வீட்டுக்கவலை என்றால் என்ன என்று எனக்கு தெரியாதவாறு எல்லா பொறுப்புகளையும் செவ்வனே செய்து வந்தாய்.

நீ என்னை விட்டு பிரிந்த இந்த நாலு வருஷத்தில், வீட்டு பொறுப்புகளை நானே கவனிக்க வேண்டிய கட்டாயம் வந்த பின் தான் உன் அருமை எனக்கு தெரிய வந்தது என்பது இல்லை. ஆனால் நீ எவ்வளவு பெரிய சுமையை எவ்வளவு திறமையாக,எவ்வளவு அனாயாசமாக, கொஞ்சம் கூட முகம் சுளிக்காமல், 32 வருடங்கள் சுமந்து என் வாழ்க்கையை பிரகாசமாக ஆக்கினாய் !

கிரிஜா, நீ இல்லாமல் நான் வாடும் இந்த நிலையை ஆண்டவன் ஏன் எனக்கு கொடுத்தான் ? நம் குழந்தைகள் சுதா, சுபா, மாப்பிள்ளைகள் சந்தர்,மகேஷின் அன்பும்,ஆதரவும் நம் அருமை பேரன் பேத்திகள்,தனுஷ், சுகோஷ்,மஹதி,தர்ஷிணி இவர்களின் கொள்ளை பிரியமும்,மழலையும்,கொஞ்சலும் தான் என்னை வாழ வைத்துக்கொண்டிருக்கின்றன.

நீ இல்லாவிட்டாலும், நீ எப்போதும் என்னுடனேயே தான் இருக்கிறாய்.எப்போதும் இருப்பாய் .

Friday, August 12, 2011


13th Aug 2011

The significance of rituals during Avaniavittam

We usually start Avaniavittam with the recital of Kamo Karshia Mantra. There is not anyone in earth who has not sinned knowingly or unknowingly( manasa, vacha, karmana). Kamo Karshia mantra eliminates all types of sins and purifies us. Avaniavittam is not just a thread changing ceremony ; instead it is an unexplainable auspicious function. Only we the Brahmins get an opportunity every year to perform this holy ritual.

We conduct Kandarishi Tharpanam and Pithru Tharpanam to show our gratitude to our Devadas, Gurus, Navagrahas, our forefathers,all pitrugal and also all living things and nonliving things and Rishis who have given us the Upanishads and vedas , itihasa Puranas, Dharma Shastra , Ayurveda, Yoga ,Siddha, Vedic Mathematics etc.We do these Tharpanam not only to get their blessings but also for the good of the world.

Avaniavittam is followed by Maha Gayathri Jabam with pranayamam the next day, during when we acquire cosmic energy - the energy of the Universe and blessings from all devadas. It protects us from all diseases( mental and physical ) and all evils and also improves our health and gives us ability to have magnificent visions.

The Maha Sankalpam , the self introduction,is done before the sacred thread is changed. It tells the Deavadas, who is doing the pooja, where it is being done, nakshatram, month, date etc.,for what purpose it is being conducted, etc. According to our Mythology, there are 14 worlds like our earth in this universe. That is the reason the rishis introduced the detailed introduction. If you carefully observe, we realise how small we are in this universe. What we thought to be a big house or a big town will seem too small to even speak of. There is nothing to feel egoistic or proud about.
The Sankalpam is mainly to make our ego vanish and to make us feel humble and love everyone.

Coming to the Sankalpa Mantras, let us first understand the Hindu Cosmic cycle:
Mahayuga= Sum of 4 Yugas ( Krita, Treta, Dwapara and Kali ) = 4,320,000 Years

1000 Mahayugs = A kalpa and it is a daytime of Brahma

The Kalpa is ruled by 14 manus in succession. The reigning period of one manuvantra is 71.42 mahayugs ( 1000/14 )

There is equivalent night time of 4,320,000 Years.

The Day -night of Brahma constitutes one Brahma day ( 8.64 billion years ).

360 Brahma days constitute one Brahma year while 100 Brahma years represent the lifetime of Brahma which is the life of Cosmos.

Brahma is supposed to have completed 50 Brahma years and is in his 51st Year. That is why this period is called the Dviteeya parardhe - in the second half of Brahma's life.

We are presently in the Sveta- Varaha Kalpa in the reigning period of Vaivaswatha
-the 7th Manu.

The actual Sankalpa mantra and its meaning runs like this :

"dviteeya parardhe" - in the 2nd half of Brahma's life.

"Svetavaraha Kalpe "- in the Kalpa of Svetavaraha

"Vaivaswatha Manuvantare" - in the reigning period of Manu vaivaswatha

" Kaliyuge" - in this Kali yuga

"prathame padhe "- in the first quater of this yuga

"Jamboodveepe"- this denotes the place where the ritual is performed - India was known as Jamboodveepa

"Bharata Varshe, Bharata Kande "- in the land of Bharat

" Sakhade Mero , Dakshine Parsve"- to the south of Meru mountain,

"Asmin Varthamane Vyavaharike "- in the current period now reigning

Prabhavadi Shasti Samvatsaranam Madye"- among the cycle of 60 years starting from Prabhava

".....nama Samvatsare"- the name of the year in the 60 year Hindu calendar

".....Ayane"- Dakshinayane ( Aadi to Margazhi), Uttarayane ( Thai to Aani )

".....Ritou"- denotes the 6 seasons of rirus- Vasantha, Greeshma, Varsha, Sharadh, Hemantha and shisira

".....Mase" - the tamil month

".....Pakshe"- either Shukla Paksham or Krishna Paksham )

".....Subha Thithou"- one of the 15 days between Pournami and Amavasyaya - From Prathama to Pournami or Amavasya

".....vasara yuktayam"- the day of the week -from Bhanu ( Sunday) to sthira ( Saturday )

".....Nakshatra yuktayam"- the day's star or Nakshatram ( from Aswani to Revathi )

May God bless us all on this Auspicious Occasion of Avaniavittam


Extracts from a handout given by Tamilnadu Brahmins Association , Tiruvanmiyur during the Avaniavittam function today.

Monday, July 04, 2011

Amavaasai Tharpanam - a different experience

4th July 2011

Suba moved from Pune to Pallavaram(Chennai ) by end May 11 and I came to Pallavarm to spend a few days with her by the 2nd week of June . While coming here , I forgot to bring the Amavasai Tharpanam book, Dharpai, pavithram etc. The Amavaasai fell on 1st July and I had two options. Go to Tiruvanmiyur and get these or manage locally. I decided to choose the 2nd option as I thought it was not worthwhile to travel 32 Km's just to fetch these things.In fact till 29th June , I did not bother much as I thought I could manage these things easily.

On 30th June, I went to the nearby Pillaiyar Koil and enquired with the Gurukkal there as to where I could get the pavithram, Dharpai etc. I was shocked to get an answer that these things are not available at Pallavaram and that one has to go to Nanganallur or T Nagar to get these ! Fortunately, he came to my help by making the Pavithram and Koorcham himself and gave them to me along with a few dharpais. So, one problem solved.

Suba did not have the sandhyavandanam book ( which will have the Tharpanam Mandiram ) .Being new in this building, she was not knowing many brahmin families and the one or two brahmin families she knew also did not have the book. So , I searched the net to get the Mandirams. But due to some BB problem, I did not succeed. Then I suddenly remembered that some two years back, I had downloaded the Mandirams in Suba's laptop. Luckily the file was in tact. So the 2nd problem also solved.

On 1st July morning,Suba realised that she did not have the எள். Luckily, grocery shop is very closeby and Suba got it within a few minutes.

Finally, I did the Tharpanam successfully, but when I wanted to do Brahma Yagnam, I found that the mandirams for the same was not available in the file and unfortunately, I could not access the net as there was no power. So, what to do ? I rang up Magesh ( who was at Pune ), asked him to chant the Brahma Yagnam mandiram over the Mobile and I did the puja here repeating the mandirams ! Namaskarams to my forefathers and fore-mothers.

Thus ended my Amavaasai Tharpanam - a different experience !! And what an experience. Being in Chennai, for a moment,I felt as if I was in China !

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Happy Birthday

25 1 2011

Dear Girija/Amma

We'll always remember that special smile,that caring heart,that warm embrace,you always gave us.

You were always there with us through good and bad times,and that made a lot of difference.

We'll always remember you, dear Girija/Amma because there'll never be another one to replace you in our hearts, and the love we will always have for you.

Happy Birth Day to you

Sugavanam ,Sudha, Suba